Wilber School Redevelopment Committee and

Board of Selectmen Joint Meeting

Executive Session September 4th, 2006

Amended and Approved September 11, 2006

Approved for Release October 29, 2007



Craig Edwards--WSRC

Marcia Liebman--WSRC

David Gordon--WSRC

Melissa Mills--WSRC

Edward Hershfield--WSRC

Joel Tran--WSRC

Marilyn Kahn--WSRC

Greg Waugh--WSRC

Phil Kopel--WSRC

Richard Powell--BOS

Bob Levin--WSRC



Meeting called to order at 7:50 pm by Joel Tran.


Meeting discussion


The following is a chart explaining the committees' thoughts to date:









Wilber Commons

Spiegal & Bloom

Frontier Enterprises

Connolly & Partners


1. Historic Preservation

no preservation; new building not like old





2. Use

40 condo's: 25% (10 units) affordable; retail space/comm. vote: HA-7, A-2, U-1, NC-2

53 units (85 BRs); no affordable component; 3 story building + lower level; 3 story addition on Station St. side (not conducive to municipal bldg. site)

48 units; 25% (12 units) affordable; lease of remaining space to Town at $18/sf--Is Town lease requirement of proposal?



3. Site Development

States 119 parking spaces but not documented

112 parking spaces + 25 interior parking spaces; green space lacking

109 parking spaces; assumes library use when Town Hall closed--librarians say high use during day



4. Schedule

Construction complete 7/08

18 mo. after abatement--6/08

18 mo. from selection--3/08



5. Site Allocation

1 acre + parking

auditorium/community room

Parking for library; common area within building for town; part area on grounds



6. Budget

8.9 million construction-only budget; price questionable at $135/sq. ft.





7. Financial Evidence




conditional funding


8. Septic System

not addressed (40 units--assume 80 BR=8800 gpd + 1000 gpd Dunkin Donuts + 1000 gpd restaurant=11800 gpd without library); refers to "green" without specifics

85 BR=9350 gpd + 250 gpd MD office + ? =9600+ gpd without library; says will use FAST and ests 9500 gpd




9. Lease Price

NNN $24,000/yr + %CPI/yr + 10% net profit of retail space (not <$5000/yr)

$100,000 with $10,000 increase every 5 yrs

$180,000/yr adjusted every 5 yrs by CPI--however, subtracting Town lease on office space becomes minus $57,000/yr



Committee Comments

not highly recommended by the group

42,000 sq ft space added which is not attractive; no retain space






Questions to clarify:

1 . What counts towards affordable housing?

2. Does a den constitute a bedroom and therefore add to gpd usage?

3. O'Cain expressed concern that parking not delineated in some proposals.

4. O'Cain expressed concern that septic not delineated in any proposals (or questionable).

    How much is advisable and anticipated gpd for the proposals?

5. Joe Kent-What are parking requirements for each proposal? What additional

    information is needed?

6. Do we need to hire a consultant to evacuate companies' track records for financing?

7. Clarify process to obtain additional information.


Meeting Minutes

Kahn/Tran moved to accept the executive committee meeting minutes of 8/28 as amended; unanimously approved.


Next Meetings

September 11, September 13, and September 18 at 7:30 PM, location TBA.


Meeting Adjournment

Tran/Liebman moved that the committee adjourn executive session; unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Rachelle F. Levitts